An Energy-Efficient Home is Worth the “Cost”!
By choosing energy-efficient options for your home, you qualify for very advantageous financial assistance programs that will improve your comfort and environment while saving you money.
[All News]An Energy-Efficient Home is Worth the “Cost”!
By choosing energy-efficient options for your home, you qualify for very advantageous financial assistance programs that will improve your comfort and environment while saving you money.
[All News]An Energy-Efficient Home is Worth the “Cost”!
By choosing energy-efficient options for your home, you qualify for very advantageous financial assistance programs that will improve your comfort and environment while saving you money.
[All News]An Energy-Efficient Home is Worth the “Cost”!
For Quebec residents only.
If you are considering a renovation or construction project for your home or multiple-unit building—now is the time to make it happen!
By choosing energy-efficient options for your home, you qualify for very advantageous financial assistance programs that will improve your comfort and environment while saving you money.
Transition énergétique Québec has generously enhanced its current financial assistance programs to give you a boost in the recovery or accelerated advancement of your housing projects!
In addition, all energy evaluation visits are offered free of charge. In the initial assessment, the evaluator will issue an Energy Guide rating for your home.
Then, to be eligible for financial assistance, the Energy Guide rating must have increased (% energy efficiency), following the post-work evaluation. Please note that your Rénoclimat/Novoclimat advisor can provide guidance during the project and make the necessary recommendations so that you can receive the grant.
Here is the extra financial assistance to existing programs that you can benefit from by changing your windows and doors to ENERGY STAR® products.
Rénoclimat’s Grant Program
A quick reminder that the Rénoclimat program is intended for energy-efficient improvements generated as a result a renovation.
Temporary Measures – Effective May 11 to December 31, 2020:
An increase in financial assistance will be granted to participants who have received or requested their post-work evaluation by December 31, 2020.
If you are already registered in the Rénoclimat program—contact the service organization in your region should you have any questions.
Novoclimat’s Grant Program
A quick reminder that the Novoclimat program is intended for construction professionals who are building a new house or a multiple-unit building according to the energy performance criteria superior to that offered by the current Construction Code.
Permanent Measure – Effective June 15, 2020:
For homes and small multiple-unit buildings (SMBs), $350 will now be available per home or unit if an ENERGY STAR® qualified heat pump is installed.
Temporary measures – effective November 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020:
Additional financial assistance of $1,000
Additional financial assistance of $200 per unit
Additional financial assistance of $1,000
New—Novoclimat: These grants are available on a short-term basis and as soon as the first energy evaluation request is made to Novoclimat. Thus, the exceptional financial assistance is triggered ($1,000 or $200 per unit) and is paid to contractors/promoters while the project is being carried out. It is therefore no longer necessary to wait until the end of the project to apply for the grant.
This new procedure allows the projects to be carried out faster with this approval.
If you only change your doors and/or windows, please note that the amount is calculated per opening. For example, a bay window made up of a group of three windows will be eligible for a single $60 grant because the windows are installed in the same opening. The replacement of a window, sash or door without its frame is not eligible for financial assistance.
Moreover, you must have a minimum of 6 openings to reach the minimum required ($350) to be eligible for financial assistance (6 openings x $60= $360).
You may also combine your application for a door and/or window grant with other work (insulation for example) to reach the minimum required.
As mentioned previously, your evaluator advisor is your best resource to guide you in your work project to be eligible for financial assistance while recommending what is best to improve your home’s comfort.
If you have any questions about these new measures, please contact Transition énergétique Québec’s customer service at 1-866-266-0008 or by e-mail at
To access all financial assistance programs, please click here.
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