Previous warranties
Previous warranties
Previous warranties
Windows and doors
Warranty 2018-2022:
The details on Fenplast products purchased in 2018 are listed on the following document, available in PDF version.
Warranty 2015-2017 :
The details on Fenplast products purchased in 2015 are listed on the following document, available in PDF version.
Warranty 2012-2014 :
Fenplast sliding doors are now covered by the following warranty, available in PDF version.
The windows bought after January 1st 2004* :
Fenplast guarantees its rigid PVC profiles and the sealed units manufactured from clear or low emissivity glass (Low-E ES© or Super HP© type) against seal failure equiping its windows for a limited* lifetime warranty (as long as you own your home). A one-year guarantee will be given against the spontaneous breakage of the glass. The breakage should be characterized by a crack on the internal side of the sealed unit. There should not be a point of impact on the glass. The hardware was warranted for a ten years period in normal conditions of maintenance and utilization. (PDF version)
The windows bought after January 1st 2000* :
Fenplast has warranted its PVC profiles extrusions for a period of 20 years against defects in the material or the manufacturing. The hardware was warranted for a period of 10 years against breakage under normal conditions of use and maintenance. The sealed units made of clear glass or low-emissivity (Low-E) were warranted for a period of 15 years and those of the Heat Mirror® family for a period of 10 years, against the formation of condensation or dust deposits between the two panes of glass caused by a break in the sealed joint. A 1 year warranty was provided against the spontaneous breakage of the glass. (PDF version)
The windows bought before January 1st 2000* :
Fenplast PVC profiles were warranted for a 20 years period and the hardware for a 10 years period, under normal use and maintenance. Fenplast sealed units were warranted for a ten years against the formation of condensation or dust deposits between the two panes of glass caused by a break in the sealed joint.
1989-1994 (PDF version)
1994-1999 (PDF version)
Steel Doors - 2014 warranty :
Fenplast has warranted the multipoint handles installed on its doors for a period of 10 years. (PDF version)
Steel Doors - 2011 warranty* :
Fenplast doors were warranted, used under normal service conditions and for their intended purpose (residential use), for a period of one (1) year against any defect in parts or labour. The door, sidelite and Évolution® panels were warranted twenty (20) years against warping (exceeding 1 / 4 inch) and delaminating. Fenplast has warranted the finish of door panels and side panels painted in-factory for a period of (10) years. The warranty was applied to spontaneous flaking as well as to major and/or uneven discoloration. This warranty was transferable entirely and uniquely during the first year following the acquisition date. (PDF version)
Sliding Doors 2011 :
Refer to the windows 2004 warranty version.
* This information is provided for informational purposes only, please view the warranty you received with your purchase for details and procedures.
Claims :
All claims must be made to your Fenplast distributor, enclosing the purchase invoice or original contract within 30 days after the appearance of the defect.
In case the dealer who sold you the goods is no longer in business, or you don’t want to deal with this retailer again, you should contact the distributor nearest to you, which you can locate on the Find a dealer page.
Please, make sure hat you have our production number, the delivery date and the name of the dealer, all this information is written on the original bill and/or contrac, or on the warranty certificate (if before 2004).
Fenplast Advantages
Fenplast offers a limited lifetime warranty on PVC studs and profiles, the lack of tightness of the seal of sealed units and the hardware built into its doors and windows. This warranty is fully transferable, provided that the owner of the building can provide the original contract or invoice.
Fenplast recommanded by Protégez-vous!
Protégez-vous, the authority on product testing and recommendations in Quebec, recommends Fenplast for the quality of its products and its commitment to customer satisfaction.
Always on the cutting edge of energy-saving trends, most Fenplast windows and doors are ENERGY STAR® qualified.
Request a quote from the nearest and the BEST windows and doors DEALER !
New construction (individual)